Welcome to the Perspective Online web site ::
This site exists to share resources for Bible teachers.
Most of the material here is related to teaching the Bible in a reformed, evangelical context, and these resources have been tried and tested in real, live churches.
We are based in Sydney, Australia, but the resources come from a wide variety of sources within Australia and beyond.
Note: Since 2006, we have stopped publishing new material, and this site remains here as an archive of the existing material.
The Perspective Team
How to use the Perspective Web Site ::
It couldn’t be simpler.
- The menu on the left is pretty self explanatory, and covers most of the popular sections of the old site.
- The search function will return results from the whole site.
- The RSS/Atom links that you will see on most pages allow to be easily informed of additions and changes to the site. They are used in conjunction with an RSS Reader or add-on web browser software (especially with the Firefox web browser).
More information on RSS feeds can be found at the WhatisRSS site.
- The ‘Donate’ button will allow you to securely donate any amount from $1 up to help keep the site online (note: the donation account is in the name of Perspecitve web site admin person – Neil Atwood).
We hope you enjoy the new site and make good use of the resources in your service of our Lord Jesus.