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Wisdom in Leadership: the how and why of leading the people you serve
by Craig Hamilton. “Reading this book won’t make Christian leadership easy. But it will make…
Genesis 1-11 – The Book of Promise
Luke Tattersall If you want to understand the world we live in, if you want…
More than Ice Cream – The Seven Deadly Sins
Steve Cree A topical series on the specific challenges of godliness. Of course, all these…
Acts 16-19 – Postcards from Paul
Phil Campbell It’s often said that we need to take care not to confuse the…
1 John – Counterfeit Christianity
Bryson Smith Life is full of fakes. Fake money, fake designer clothes, fake addresses, fake…
2024 Christmas Resource Guide (Kids & Youth)
Ed Sowden The 2024 Christmas Resource Guide is a collection of books for helping kids and…
Growth Groups Manual: a training course in how to lead small groups
by Colin Marshall. Growth Groups is for any Christian or group of Christians committed to equipping…
1 Thessalonians – Growing Pains
Grant Thorp When I was a kid I remember getting terrible pains in my legs….
Colossians – The Centrality of Christ
Grant Thorp Much of modern Christianity focuses the spotlight everywhere but on Christ: the Toronto…
2 Kings – Kings behaving badly
Luke Tattersall There are a few books in both the Old and the New Testament…
1 Kings – When The Balloon Bursts
Bryson Smith Life is full of things we have love-hate relationships with. Things that give…
How to be a better preacher through a preaching group
Perspective Every year I get together with six mates of mine and we experience agony….
Women’s resource collection
A collection of resources for Christian women and women in ministry, Women’s resource collection
One to One Bible Reading: a simple guide for every Christian
by David Helm. Imagine if there was a way that people could grow in their…
Amazing Grace
Luke Tattersall Amazing Grace by Luke Tattersall is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0You may distribute,…
Galatians – One Family of Faith
Phil Campbell Have you thought about teaching Galatians to your church lately? PHIL CAMPBELL provides…
1 Samuel – Quest for a King
Craig Tucker The Old Testament books of 1 and 2 Samuel are best understood together….
1 Timothy – Practise being Godly
Craig Tucker These days not just corporations but individuals are encouraged to develop personal mission…
The Trellis & The Vine: The ministry mind-shift that changes everything
by Colin Marshall & Tony Payne. All Christian ministry is a mixture of trellis and…
Saving Eutychus: how to preach God’s word and keep people awake
by Gary Millar and Phil Campbell. Poor Eutychus might have tumbled off his perch in…
Leviticus – learning to be holy
Phil Campbell Sometimes, the Old Testament books that look the hardest can really be the…
Galatians – The Gospel
Tristan Merkel The gospel is a big deal, according to the apostle Paul. It’s astonishingly…
Genesis 25-50 – Subversive God
Phil Campbell The staggering sequence of deceptions play a key structural part in the narrative,…
Ecclesiastes – Life under the Son
Craig Tucker Ecclesiastes is a book with a strategy – and that’s probably its most…
2 Timothy – Guard the gospel
Craig Tucker Paul’s second letter to Timothy is full of bad news. Paul drops two…
1 Peter – Aliens In Exile
Craig Tucker They’ve nearly finished the new McDonalds just across the road from my back…
Daniel – Trusting God in a Hostile World
Luke Tattersall It’s not easy to keep trusting God in a hostile world. The book…
2 Corinthians – When the going gets tough
Bryson Smith The Appalachian Trail is the longest continuous walking trail in the world. It…