Resources for Bible Teachers

About Us

About Perspective Online ::

“Perspective” the journal started out in the early 90’s as a newsletter circulating between six or eight friends, designed to share resources for Bible teaching.
The journal grew to 300+ subscribers scattered around Australia and the world. But the people who made Perspective the journal happen, were also all in demanding ministry roles, and meeting the deadlines became harder and harder.
So the move to online publication was a natural direction for the journal to take.

These are the people who make it happen:


Phil Campbell
Email Phil

Phil is married to Louise, and they have four kids. When he is not editing Perspective material, Phil is the Senior Pastor at Michleton Presbyterian Church

Business Manager

Luke Tattersall
Email Luke

Luke is the Senior Pastor of Parramatta City Church

Moral Support:

Craig Tucker
Email Craig

Craig pastors Drummoyne Presbyterian Church


designed and maintained by:
Neil Atwood
Email Neil

Neil is an Associate Pastor at Springwood-Winmalee Anglican Church

Copyright Information ::

The purpose of the Perspecitve Online resources is to be a help and encouragement to biblical ministries, and the desire of the team and other authors is to see the resource freely used in such ministries.

However, copyright in the material which appears on the Perspective site (including any text, photographs or artwork) vests, subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968, in the author of the material whether that be the site content provider or some other person or organisation.

You are welcome to reproduce for personal, ministry or other non-commercial use any material which Perspective creates and displays on the website. If you wish to reproduce, alter, store or transmit the material for any other purpose, you should contact the Editor, Phil Campbell

©Perspective 1999-2005


Sermon Series

Preaching Articles


Christmas Resources

Other Articles



All about the background and roots of Perspective the journal, and it’s sibling, this website.

For more information, contact one of the people listed on this page