Resources for Bible Teachers

Preaching Articles

:: 'Preaching Articles' Index ::

Two Parables from Luke ·

LUKE TATTERSALL offers some insights on 2 parables – Good Samaritan and the Rich Fool.
Source: Perspective Online © Perspective 2006

Good Friday 2004 - Father Forgive Them ·

Like Christmas, Easter is just a great opportunity to talk about the gospel when your church plays host to all the extra people who visit.
Source: Perspective Online © Perspective 2005

Galatians - One family of Faith ·

Ever get confused reading Galatians? Ever wondered what Hagar, Sarah and the seeds are and how it all applies to us? PHIL CAMPBELL

Source: Perspective Vol9 No4 © Perspective 2002

Word and Spirit ·

Suddenly, preaching God’s Word is being labelled “Unspiritual” – in some circles at least!

Source: Perspective Vo1 No1 © Pearl Beach Press 1999

Four Funerals & A Wedding - Funeral #4 ·

NEIL ATWOOD & LUKE TATTERSALL share sermon ideas for funerals and weddings.

Source: Perspective Vo10 No3&4 ©Perspective 2003

Four Funerals & A Wedding - Funeral #3 ·

NEIL ATWOOD & LUKE TATTERSALL share sermon ideas for funerals and weddings.

Source: Perspective Vo10 No3&4 © Pearl Beach Press 2003

Four Funerals & A Wedding - Funeral #2 ·

NEIL ATWOOD & LUKE TATTERSALL share sermon ideas for funerals and weddings.

Source: Perspective Vo10 No3&4 ©Perspective 2003

Four Funerals & A Wedding - Funeral #1 ·

NEIL ATWOOD & LUKE TATTERSALL share sermon ideas for funerals and weddings.

Source: Perspective Vo10 No3&4 ©Perspective 2003

Four Funerals & A Wedding - The Wedding ·

NEIL ATWOOD & LUKE TATTERSALL share sermon ideas for funerals and weddings.

Source: Perspective Vo10 No3&4 ©Perspectve 2003

More Talk About Sex ·

LUKE TATTERSALL introduces the Song of Songs

Source: Perspective Vol10 No1 ©Perspective 2002

Raised With Christ ·

Do we live our lives out of gratitude for what Christ has done? Or are our lives lived in relationship with the risen Christ? GRANT THORP looks at how the resurrection effects our lives in this Easter preaching resource.

Source: Perspective Vol9 No4 ©Perspective 2002

Gospelling from Isaiah - God's grand plan ·

A full-text evangelistic talk based on Isaiah by DAVID MARTIN

Source: Perspective Vol8 No2 ©Perspective 2000

From the bathroom to the pulpit ·

Bryson Smith shares a slightly unusual resource …

Source: Perspective Vol8 No3 ©Perspective 2000

Profiting from Joel ·

A ‘condensed book’ overview by LEE MARSHALL.

Source: Perspective Vol8 No2 ©Perspective 2000

Preaching Christ in a postmodern world ·

Dr Graham Cole, Principal of Ridley College Melbourne, has looked closely at the challenges post-modernism raises for Christianity. Perspective contributor JOHN DIACOS asked Graham how post-modernism should influence our approach to preaching Christ.

Source: Perspective Vol8 No1 ©Perspective 2000

Pardon me... your slip is showing ·

Authenticity is the flavour of the month. But WILLIAM WILLIMON asks how much of your own struggle you should share from the pulpit…

Source: Perspective Vol6 No1 ©Perspective 1999

Building a sermon with Biblical theology #2 ·

The finished product of Phil Campbell tutorial on building a sermon with Biblical theology.

Source: Perspective Vol5 No1 ©Perspective 1999

Building a sermon with Biblical theology #1 ·

What exactly do we mean by the term Biblical Theology? And how does it help our preaching? PHIL CAMPBELL demonstrates as he builds a sermon on the book of Obadiah…

Source: Perspective Vol5 No1 ©Perspective 1999

Four Wedding & A Funeral - Wedding #4 ·

As the Minister of a University congregation in Canberra, DAVID McDONALD has plenty of opportunities to preach at weddings! Here is the outline of the first of four gospel-based sermons that have proven particularly effective, based on Deuteronomy 4:39-40

Source: Perspective Vo5 No1 ©Perspective 1999

Four Wedding & A Funeral - Wedding #3 ·

As the Minister of a University congregation in Canberra, DAVID McDONALD has plenty of opportunities to preach at weddings! Here is the outline of the first of four gospel-based sermons that have proven particularly effective, based on Colossians 1:13-23

Source: Perspective Vo5 No1 ©Perspective 1999

Four Wedding & A Funeral - Wedding #2 ·

As the Minister of a University congregation in Canberra, DAVID McDONALD has plenty of opportunities to preach at weddings! Here is the outline of the first of four gospel-based sermons that have proven particularly effective, based on Psalm 33:1-15, 20-22

Source: Perspective Vo5 No1 ©Perspective 1999

Four Wedding & A Funeral - Wedding #1 ·

As the Minister of a University congregation in Canberra, DAVID McDONALD has plenty of opportunities to preach at weddings! Here is the outline of the first of four gospel-based sermons that have proven particularly effective, based on Matthew 18:21:35

Four weddings & A Funeral. - Funeral Sermon #1 ·

When it comes to knowing what comes after death, MURRAY FRASER says we should ask the expert. Here’s the full text of a funeral sermon based on John 11:25

One of five sermons for those great preaching occasions

Source: Perspective Vo5 No1 ©Perspective 1999

An Easter Collection ·

A tailor-made Gospel opportunity – that’s really the only way to describe Easter. LUKE TATTERSALL shares a collection of talk outlines for Easter.

Source: Perspective Vol4 No1 © Perspective 1999

Preparing A Preaching Program ·

Preparing a long term preaching program is hard work. Is it worth all the effort? And where do you start? DAVID THURSTON investigates…

Source: Perspective Vo3 No3&4 © Perspective 1999

How to be a better preacher through a preaching group ·

Preachers can tend become stale in their craft which is week by week a demanding feature of parish ministry. Here are some thoughts on one strategy to stimulate thinking about preaching.

Source: Perspective Vol3 No1 © Perspective 1999

Dead certain ·

If you’re working in a country church, the whole town can turn out to hear you at a funeral – it’s a golden opportunity for getting across the gospel, says PHIL CAMPBELL.

Source: Perspective Vol3 No1 © Perspective 1999

Guidelines for Kids Talkers ·

Looking for help with the weekly children’s talk? Here’s a pre-packaged training guide with plenty of concrete advice from CATHY TUCKER.

Source: Perspective Vol3 No1 ©Perspective 1999

Over apply and die ·

In the last issue of Perspective, BRYSON SMITH dealt with the perils of sermons that lack down-to-earth application. But PHIl CAMPBELL warns there’s danger in going too far the other way – the danger of over application…

Source: Perspective Vol2 No3 ©Perspective 1999

Apply or die ·

There are lots of ways to kill a sermon.
One sure method is to not include any practical application of the Bible passage. But how do you give down-to-earth application from a passage that reads like a systematic theology textbook?
BRYSON SMITH offers four helpful steps to applying the Bible.

Source: Perspective Vol2 No2 ©Perspective 1999

:: 'Preaching Articles' Index ::


Sermon Series

Preaching Articles


Christmas Resources

Other Articles



These are articles dealing more broadly with the general topic of preaching.

There are sample sermons for those challenging occasions like funerals and weddings, articles looking at preaching on difficult topics such as sex, and even the full text of an evangelistic sermon based on Isaiah!

Use them to stimulate, encourage and equip your preaching of the word.

Contributions? See our Contact page for details of how to submit articles for this section.