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Put it in writing ::

In spite of the growth in electronic communication, the print media still plays an-important role in today’s society.
Source: Perspective Vo1 No4 ©Perspective 1999

In spite of the growth in electronic communication, the print media still plays an-important role in today’s society. Maybe, like Dubbo’s (NSW, Australia) BRYSON SMITH, you’ll have an opportunity to contribute to your local newspaper.
Or maybe you’re simply looking for material for your own parish publication. Either way, here’s a bite sized, easy to read article with something to say. “The article originally appeared in a local Dubbo newspaper when I was asked to comment on the problems facing the world,” says Bryson. “It could also serve as an illustration for a passage such as Romans 1:18-32.” Feel free to recycle it!

The article is also a great model of “readable” communication. When you’re writing articles like this yourself, here are a few points to keep in mind:-

When All Else Fails
The other day I had to unplug our television set to move it to another room. The disruption meant that the television had to be reprogrammed to receive the UHF channels in the area. Few tasks are more daunting than having to tune a television set.
So there I sat, crossed legged in front of a blank screen. Staring down at the 40 buttons on the remote control.– Which one should I press first? The Channel Set button? Perhaps the Search button? Maybe the CLK/CNT button (whatever that meant)?
Just then an idea sprang to mind. Maybe I should get out the instruction manual that came with the television? I dismissed the thought immediately. I can do this – no problems!

Twenty minutes later I still sat crossed legged in front of a blank screen. “Having fun dear?”, my devoted wife called from the other room. “No worries,” I called back, trying to sound as confident as possible, “These modern televisions are pretty sophisticated. Just takes a bit of time, that’s all.”
That thought returned. Perhaps the instruction manual would be helpful. No way! How hard can this be anyway! I still had plenty of button combinations to try.

Twenty minutes later I still sat crossed legged in front of a blank screen. By now things were getting desperate. If I don’t get a picture soon the football game will be over! The awfulness of that thought shook me to my senses. Making sure my wife wasn’t watching I quietly pulled the television manual from the drawer.
Within a minute I was watching a crystal clear picture of Mal Meninga crashing over the try line. “Pride’s a silly thing,” I thought as I watched the conversion kick sail between the posts, “If it wasn’t for pride I could have been enjoying this game ages ago.”

But that’s life for you. If it wasn’t for pride we could be enjoying every aspect of our lives to the full. It’s simply a matter of looking for our instructions from the One who gave us life in the first place – the One who knows how best we should live it.

Bryson Smith

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